Devastatingly Divine Dishes - This blog will follow the day to day quest for the perfect dish for dinner. If you are feeling a bit uninspired drop by my blog for some recipe ideas!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Roast Partridge Recipe

Serves 4


4 Partridges
4 sprigs fresh thyme plua few leaves
12 juniper berries
salt and freshly ground pepper
8 slices streaky bacon
mix of butter and olive oil
chestnut mushrooms


Pre heat the oven to 200c/400c Gas Mark 6

Place 1 sprig of thyme and 3 juniper berries in the cavity of each bird and season with salt and pepper. tie the legs together with some string before cooking.
Spread softened butter and oil over the birds and place a rasher of bacon on each breast. Put in a roasting pan and cook for 30 minutes. To check the bird is cooked, place a skewer in between the leg and breast and the birds are cooked when the juices run clear.

Pour some of the juice into a small saucepan and keep on a low heat. In the meantime heat a little olive oil and saute the mushrooms and season.

Place the mushrooms on the plate together with the partridge and crispy bacon. Serve with a little of the heated juice.

Serve with roast potatoes and cabbage.

Courtesy of Game to Eat


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